Let me start by saying I am not, never have been, and never will be a Trump supporter. While the information about potential hacking/listening is compelling, and very likely happening, is there any actually and proof?
Nope. But the Russians would be fools not to take the opportunity and it's not hard (I'm told) to do it. Espionage is about the only thing Russia is good at. World class, in fact.
"On the bright side," it probably doesn't make much difference, because Moscow and Beijing are likely being provided all the intel they need from HUMINT sources recruited or coerced following the 2015 OPM Hack....
I always liked the Russian term Polezny Durak: "Useful Idiot". Seems a good fit in this case.
Doesn't Trump care about being hacked and spied upon?
Let me start by saying I am not, never have been, and never will be a Trump supporter. While the information about potential hacking/listening is compelling, and very likely happening, is there any actually and proof?
Nope. But the Russians would be fools not to take the opportunity and it's not hard (I'm told) to do it. Espionage is about the only thing Russia is good at. World class, in fact.
"On the bright side," it probably doesn't make much difference, because Moscow and Beijing are likely being provided all the intel they need from HUMINT sources recruited or coerced following the 2015 OPM Hack....