
I assume its this incident here. I think the main point I got is don't drive into ponds while drunk (or at all really)

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I read a news article - hmm, a while ago, so the name of the deceased driver escapes me. But, the person managed to drive their Tesla into a pond and the car went completely underwater. The driver phoned friends to call for help and said she couldn't open the door. Water pressure? But apparently the Tesla's electrical system got blamed by the panicked driver and horrified friends. The driver was famous in some way (sorry - I live under a rock when it comes to pop culture.) So - after this long preamble - could something like this with a famous driver have started the Tesla-door-lock ball rolling?

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

They got drunk, drove their car into a lake, and drowned? The first thing I would blame is the brand of car.

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