On an unrelated note, Chinese people pronounce X as sh, so Xitter would be...

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I wish I could take credit, but alas it is not original with me.

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Thanks. Interesting post on an important topic. Just FYI, being interested in languages and having some contact with Haitians while teaching in Boston, I dabbled in learning a little about Haitian creole. It's a very easy language to learn ( not that I learned very much). Basically simplified French.

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Waiting for stupid people to change is like waiting for the past to change. And as you point out, it ain't gonna happen. Thanks for putting it so well.

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It’s like an episode of South Park in real life.

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Brian, tell us what you really think!


Great to hear your exasperation at the clusterfuck, and the character of the actors. What a hideous collection they are.

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All people want to know how many illegals are in Springfield.

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