Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Brian Dunning

Brings to mind the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where Sir Bedevere the Wise, with calm assurance, walks the townsfolk through the chain of logical inferences to prove that the proper method of determining if a woman is a witch is to see if she weighs the same as a duck.

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Apr 1Liked by Brian Dunning

That poor young lady, she is in for a rude awakening. Unfortuntly probably destined to marry at 16 as Christian breeding stock.

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This has to have been done in jest.

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It's sad!

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Blast. I got to hoping that this was leading up to an explanation of Leviticus 19:27. I thought I might finally find out if I will burn for eternity or not.


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It seems quite likely that the daughter, like the mother, will never have a rude awakening. If it didn't happen for the mother, what would make the difference?

Although, the daughter ends saying, with a wink, that this is For Entertainment Purposes Only. Perhaps she is more aware than her mother thinks? She will have to regurgitate the explanations she's taught in school, won't she? And I didn't see four corners in that bowl, even though she drew a couple of lines.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 2

I live in the American South, where they are legions. The fact that they're cocksure of their convictions with an aversion to reading a wide range of sources or systematic investigation is stunning. The 'question everything' motto for them actually means 'deny everything' that didn't come from their tribe elders and good book allegories. And there, like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, "The Jews Did It."

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